Here are our recommendations for the top items to keep in your bag to have a successful, fun and safe day out!

  1. Snacks and Drinks: Always have a variety of snacks on hand—think fruit, rice cakes, or veggie straws. A reusable water bottle is a must, keeping everyone hydrated and happy, for older children the travel size fruit squashes are fantastic!
  2. Wipes and Tissues: You can never have too many wipes! Perfect for sticky hands, spills, and those inevitable little messes. Tissues are handy too, especially for runny noses.
  3. Change of Clothes: Accidents happen, so pack a full change of clothes for the little ones (and maybe a spare top for yourself, just in case).
  4. First Aid Kit: A small kit with plasters, antiseptic wipes, and a few basic meds like Calpol sachets is always good to have on hand. Better safe than sorry!
  5. Entertainment: Pack a few small toys, colouring books, or even a favourite storybook to keep them entertained during any downtime. A compact travel game can be a lifesaver too. We also love the children’s drawing tablets from Amazon- perfect for keeping them occupied with Noughts and Crosses or practising their spelling!
  6. Sun and Weather Protection: Pop in a hat, suncream, and a lightweight raincoat or umbrella. As we know, our weather can be pretty unpredictable, so it’s best to be prepared for all eventualities.
  7. Nappies and Changing Essentials: If you’re looking after little ones still in nappies, make sure you have enough nappies, nappy bags, and a portable changing mat.
  8. Hand Sanitiser: A quick and easy way to keep hands clean when you’re out and about in case there are no sinks around, especially before snack time.
  9. Emergency Contact Information: Keep a note of emergency contact details and any relevant medical info, just in case.
  10. Travel-Friendly Blanket: A small, foldable blanket is useful for picnics, naps, or just keeping cosy on a cooler day out.

With these essentials in your bag, you’ll be ready for whatever the day brings, making it a breeze to keep your charges safe, happy, and entertained!